361)चिंतन: Real meditation खरे ध्यान

चिंतन361: खरे ध्यान Real meditation  

Real meditation खरे ध्यान


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🌹 चिंतन361: Real meditation🌹


 ✍️ Vijay Pandhare

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चिंतन :Real meditation खरे ध्यान

आकाश, काल व मन ।

हे द्रष्टा दृश्याचेच असणं ।

अंतरंगी हे जाणुन ।

 मुक्त तो ॥

Mind which understands the fact in its heart that space ,time and mind experiences are nothing but observer - observed phenomenon is free mind .

For such a mind all happenings are observer - observed phenomenon in the realm of mind -matter as past momentum in the realm of illusion of time.

This is what happens when mind perceives the complete eradication of observer - observed phenomenon, in its heart directly.

This is nothing but direct understanding of the truth in one's own core of heart in the understanding of fact of observer is observed.

This understanding is not out come of mere intellectual thinking or reading the books


listening to the lectures.

This understanding is result of observation without observer in real meditation.

The mind which understands the futility of mind, sense experience and intellect as self gets established in observation without observer.

Such a mind is fully stable in all situations which are favourable or unfavourable for ignorant mind. Because such realised mind has direct experience of wordless and timeless truth.

Favourable and unfavourable situations for ignorant mind are results of their ignorance as idea of self.

For realised mind there is no such a thing as favourable or unfavourable because in realised mind there is no idea of self as seperate individuality.

Such a mind is out of idea of duality such as pleasure and pain or birth and death or greed and non-greed.

Such a mind is out of the realm of contentment and discontentment.

Such a mind faces anything that it has to face without any complaint.

Such a mind is out of realm of desire






non gratification.

Such mind never gets disturbed by any sense experience whats so ever.

Such mind is free of the idea of fortune and misfortune or good and bad.

The mind which has a direct insight of space without center ( ब्रम्हमयता) as its own consciousness, is such a unshakable stable mind in which the idea of self has been eradicated completely in real meditation.

When duality in conscious and subconscious , unconscious is completely eradicated then that mind which gets established in nonduality is a real choiceless mind .

When the idea of self in conscious ,subconscious and unconscious gets eradicated completely then in such mind emptied of idea of self completely then there manifests the timeless immortility as eternity ( परब्रम्ह ) .


- विजय पांढरे




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